Structural Steel Detailing has always been at the core and the main focus of our company. We have a staff that are highly experienced in all aspects of steel construction principals from commercial, industrial to mining and materials handling. Our team of modellers, detailers and project managers are committed to the excellence required in this demanding discipline.
Pre-cast Concrete Panel Detailing has become an integral part of our services as it makes sense to have both steel and concrete integrated within the one model. This integrated approach eliminates costly time delays between disciplines and also eliminates errors as any any changes are automatically applied to both steel and concrete at the same time.
3D Scanning has become the preferred method of retrieving extremely accurate information from site with a level of detail not previously possible from a site measure or a traditional survey. We are able to go to site and extract a complete visual model or “Point Cloud” of every element that exists to within a 2mm tolerance and then bring this back to the office and insert into our model, this then gives us the ability to physically measure any site condition as though you are there. This 3D scanning service is not only available for our own projects but also available to builders and other associated trades.
The Rapid Layout System is the building construction professional’s newest essential tool to make short-work of common building layout and as-built measurement projects. The system measures distances and finds positions simply and easily, enabling your team to deliver accurate field work and eliminate rework. This system takes data directly from our 3D Tekla model to site.
Building Information Model (BIM) is the term used to describe the data rich environment that we work within and share information between disciplines. We are able to export our models and import models from a number of different 3D software formats, this information is overlaid and merged to enable the accurate placement of all elements and to pinpoint any potential clashes or discrepancies within the design in a virtual as built of the structure.
This is probably the most exciting facet of our business at the moment with the development of our dedicated VR room and our planned Site VR rooms. We thought this might be an interesting toy to play with but it has proven to be an invaluable “tool”. Every person we have shown this new immersive experience to has been blown away from Architects, Engineers, Site Managers, Fabricators and Riggers. We have managed to take the conventional 3D model to a whole new level by being able to walk around the structure and see the as built structure in full size before it’s built.
“3D models are good but this is a quantum leap for the construction industry”
The augmented reality has allowed ICM to utilize the mixed reality technology see the holographic image of our model overlaid onto the as built structure, allowing us to detect clashes before any steel or concrete is erected. When on site with the HoloLens we have access to the most up-to-date model via Trimble Connect.
With the use of the latest 3D modelling software we are able to provide our clients with data files in a number of formats, these files can be highly tailored to each clients specific requirements. These files contain all the necessary information for the processing of steel plates and steel members directly from the data rich model. Our file formats are compatible with all of the latest plate profiling and beam line machines.